In the Junior class, we aim to guide the child's natural talent and development. Every child comes to us with his or her own sense of colour, design and dramatic story-telling. We develop these talents by offering encouragement, enthusiasm and example. As well, we offer beautiful colours in good quality paints, oil pastels and felt-tip pens and good quality paper and brushes - all the right size for young artists.

Junior classes are held:

Tuesday 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Thursday 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am - 10:30am

Saturday 11:00am- 12:30pm

Cost: $255 +50c booking fee, per eight week term.

At this age of rapid growth these precious talents may be lost, for all sorts of reasons including changing world perceptions, loss of confidence, peer group pressure and the development of other interests. However we believe that these talents can be nurtured instead, by catering specifically for the new world perception that these children have. At this level, we place more emphasis on accurate drawing and close observation in topics particularly relevant to this age group. Classes include design, landscape, still-life, portraits, lettering and much more.

Intermediate classes are held:

Tuesday 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Thursday 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am - 10:30am

Saturday 11:00am- 12:30pm

Cost: $255 +50c booking fee, per eight week term.

In the Advanced classes, we introduce new drawing and painting techniques, as well as building on the wide range of styles and subjects already introduced at intermediate levels. We aim to stimulate the student's interest in art generally, including history of art and art theory, as well as developing their skills in drawing and painting. A wider range of techniques is introduced and there is more emphasis on developing the individual students own interests.

Advanced classes are held:

Saturday 9:00am - 10:30am

Saturday 11:00am- 12:30pm

Cost: $255 +50c booking fee, per eight week term.